
Carl-August-Klingner-Str. 7
08645 Bad Elster

Infos & Tickets:

Tel.: +49 (0) 37437 · 53 900


NatureTheatre Bad Elster

NatureTheatre Bad Elster

The Cultural Glade in the Waldpark

The prince of poets, Goethe, must have been inspired in 1795 at the natural spring in Bad Elster to write his epic poem »Hermann and Dorothea«. In 1911, on the same spot, Paul Schindel, the Royal Saxon Landscaping Inspector, the NatureTheatre was build in the forest landscape and park Bad Elster, the first of its kind in Saxony. Here, in addition to the Goethe Festival from 1911-1952, diverse events, including music and straight theatre were performed regularly and were very well received by the audience. The theatre then fell into a deep “sleeping beauty” sleep before it was reopened in 2007 with the opera, “The Marksman.” Since then, numerous events for the young and old take place in the months between May and September on this cultural glade. In the summer of 2011, the NatureTheatre Bad Elster celebrated its 100th anniversary with special performances.

All information and current programme: