- Nordic-Walking-Kurse des medizinischen Trainings- und Bewegungszentrums Bad Elster
- Nordic Walking im Vogtland
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Aktive Erholung: Nordic Walking in Bad Elster
Nordic Walking is walking with sticks, which one drags behind him ...? If you previously had this impression, and might have laughed at such a "walker", then we would be pleased to help you in Bad Elster otherwise.
Nordic Walking is in fact more than just a walk, but a full body workout, be claimed in which about 85 percent of our muscles. Every guest, regardless of whether health spa patient, or local, can therefore tackle this low-impact total body workout against venous insufficiency, tension, obesity and cardiovascular problems in the great nature. Nordic Walking is only effective with the right technique, which can be learned in Bad Elster under precise instructions. Already in 2004, the first Nordic Walking Park in Vogtland was developed by trainer Robert Haussler in Bad Elster. With a total length of 31 kilometers can be overcome on four different routes a height difference of 450 meters and get fit in the nature around the beautiful area of Bad Elster. A blue, yellow, green and red marker indicates the length and difficulty of the routes. Here are the routes in overview with the kind assistance of Mr. Robert Häussler: